The Director's Blog


5 needs of the Chinese Church Today.

Jackson Wu (吴荣) wrote an article entitled “The 5 Most Pressing Needs of the Chinese Church”. These needs are listed below and we should be praying about them. As the great missionary to China Hudson Taylor said: “The power of prayer has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God’s standing challenge, ‘Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!’” These five areas of need are places of “weakness, failure and disappointment”; so we need to pray for them.


Need # 1. Theological Training.

“First, Chinese believers need theological training. While various local training centers exist around the country, most of them lack academically qualified teachers that can provide them with advanced training needed to interact with difficult passages, issues, and worldviews relevant to their ministry… At most, pastors memorize standard formulations without understanding how to interpret the Bible for themselves. Many materials... are merely translated from Western resources without any regard for an Asian context.”


Need # 2. Biblical Studies.

Second, “the Chinese church needs more resources in the field of Biblical studies… We cannot expect Chinese church leaders to develop contextualized tools and theological insights if they do not have access to foundational knowledge and resources related to Biblical studies.”

The China team of Derek Prince Ministries over many years until today has sought to print in China and distribute a huge amount of Derek’s Bible teaching materials that will help meet the lack of supply in the first two needs listed above.


Need # 3. Cross-cultural Training.

Third, “Chinese believers need substantial training to serve as cross-cultural missionaries. The failure rate of Chinese missionaries is high. Most have little experience living among people who are not Han Chinese. Furthermore, many Chinese struggle to work in teams while serving in a second-culture environment.”

The DPM China director Ross Paterson and his wife Christine have created on line materials in English and Chinese that are designed to help train missionaries before they go.


Need # 4. Marriage and Family Ministry.

“Chinese Christians across the country are desperate to receive assistance in having healthier marriages and families. A majority of believers will readily admit that they are unsure how exactly to be a ‘Christian’ husband/wife, how to lead a church and a family, and raise children who genuinely love Christ.”

The DPM China team has printed and distributed in China many thousands of copies of books such as “God Is A Matchmaker” and “Husbands And Fathers”.


Need # 5. Children’s Education.

“Chinese children are required to receive 9-years of public education (grades 1-9). This period enables the government to sufficiently indoctrinate all kids with an atheistic, socialistic worldview that celebrates the current political regime. Christian parents understandably are concerned that their children will reject Christianity, especially given increased restrictions by the government on the participation of children in church worship services.”


Pray that the Lord will raise up labourers to meet each of these 5 needs in the Chinese church.

Pray specifically for the work that Derek Prince Ministries China has done for many years in these areas, that we would make a real impact on the Chinese church.

Pray that the Lord would make clear in the years to come how the Derek Prince Ministries China team should serve the church in China in these 5 areas.


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