


Pray for DPM’s Ministry in China and around the world. Prayer support is always vital as we seek to respond effectively to the requests from pastors, evangelists and students in developing countries . Also, for the safe production and delivery of materials in countries ‘closed’ to the Gospel, or for our prison outreach and ministry to young leaders. Join us in prayer to see God's plan being fulfilled!

Download Our Latest Prayer & Praise Calendar

Join our Special Intercessors

Every day people call or mail to DPM with personal prayer requests on healing, deliverance and salvation. Will you stand with us as special intercessor and pray for them confidentially? Sign up now and pray on a daily or weekly basis for people that need your prayer support. Your prayers are of great importance to the kingdom of God and help people reach their destiny in Christ!


Start a Prayer Group for DPM Outreaches

Invite friends and church members to pray with you. You will receive a monthly e-mail with links to a video or short teaching message, prayer items for outreach worldwide and proclamations. Sharing this time in prayer will be something to look forward to every month.


Please let us know how you want to support our ministry in prayer by emailing us at




Prayer Focus 22/10/2023 - 28/10/2023

  • 22 October 2023

This Week: United States/Hispanic Outreach, Canada, Israel, Syria, Egypt/North Africa, Jordan, and Estonia.