Identification, Part 3
Buried and Resurrected
The absolute heart of the gospel is this: First, Christ died; second, He was buried; and third, He was raised on the third day. There is one outward act required by God that enables us to be identified with Jesus in these three phases: the act of baptism in water. Have you been baptized?
Born Again Out of Death
Yesterday’s message presented the heart of the gospel, found in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. What is our Christian experience? Paul tells us that God has made us alive, God has raised us up and God has seated us with Christ. Through our identification with Jesus, we are born again to a living hope.
As the Father Has Sent Me…
As Derek proceed with his teaching on our identification with Christ, he points out that the Father sent Christ. The Father gave Jesus the words to speak and God performed His works through Jesus. To see Jesus was to see the Father. In the same way, Jesus has sent us out.
A Kingdom of Priests
Derek shows us today that we are also identified with the ascension life and ministry of Jesus in heaven. When Jesus ascended to heaven He entered into two unique ministries: where He rules as King and intercedes as Priest. In this way also, we are invited to identify ourselves with Jesus.
The Secret Hidden Wisdom
The wisdom of this world, as Derek well knows, will never take the place of the hidden wisdom of God, which will only come when one becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus. Then the door will open up for us to search out this hidden wisdom.