Our Ongoing Ministry in China
The outreach of DPM into China began in 1984. Ross Paterson, a fluent Mandarin speaker who had served in Taiwan for ten years and had then into China, heard the Lord tell him to “take Derek Prince’s teaching to China”. Ross approached Derek, who readily gave his permission and his blessing. Today the office is based in Singapore. To make the teaching more acceptable to the Chinese Derek was given the name Ye Guang-Ming, meaning Clear Light.
- The Far Eastern Broadcasting Company (FEBC) in Hong Kong started broadcasting daily Derek Prince's 15-minute Mandarin radio programme into China. These radio broadcasts have run for over 25 years, and can be downloaded from a linked website.
- A major project was launched in 1995 to print and distribute one million copies of the "Foundation Series" in Chinese by the year 2000.
- The Chinese website www.ygmweb.org gets about 1,000 hits every day from Chinese believers and seekers who download Derek’s Bible teaching messages in MP3 audio format.
- Responding to requests for Derek’s teaching, 50,000 audio and video disks are produced each month and distributed free to different areas of China's vast land.
- Small dedicated audio devices with Derek's teaching are also taken to the countryside where reading ability is more limited.
- Plans are to print and distribute 200,000 copies of Life-Changing Spiritual Power inside China this year. Pray that this important book (compilation of several titles) will get to the right Christian leaders and that they will be changed by these teachings.
- A big challenge the China team faces is to serve two very different population groups in China—one that is affluent and uses cellphones and computers, and the other that is living in relative poverty. The methods to serve these two groups are very different. Pray for wisdom and anointing to build up both groups in the Word of God.