
     Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the world with a population of 242 million, and it is the desire of our hearts to see God’s transforming Word go out to as many people as possible to bring understanding about eternal life, and also to bring more revelation and maturity to the Body of Christ. 46 of Derek’s book have now been translated and published in the Indonesian language, with over 220,000 copies printed.

     We have now translated 140 of Derek’s radio messages from Keys to Successful Living into Indonesian, which you can listen to on our DPM app here. The programme is broadcast on 22 radio stations in 18 major cities across Indonesia, potentially reaching 23 million people. The English version of the programme has been broadcast for around 16 years.  Derek’s radio programme is also being placed on audio devices for sending out.  We  also hold conferences and seminars for Pastors, Elders and missionaries where we  use Derek’s teaching to teach and encourage those in leadership.  Derek’s books are freely distributed which have been a real blessing to those attending.


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Impact Reports

Please read the following articles concerning our outreach and ministry reports in Indonesia.


August Report