Dear Friend,

As I reflect on the time I spent a few weeks ago with our workers in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania, I am amazed at the things God is doing through them.

God is taking their hard work and dedication in translating, printing and distributing Derek’s teaching, and He is making something beautiful out of it.

In Bulgaria, God is setting believers like Eleonora free to serve Him.

Eleonora grew up watching her grandmother tell people’s fortunes using tarot cards and reading coffee cup patterns. She remembers being amused by these things and developing an interest in the supernatural.

A few years later, when she became a Christian, Eleonora came across Derek Prince’s audio message Witchcraft: Public Enemy No.1 and his book Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose.

Being touched by such powerful Bible teaching, Eleonora asked her brother to pray with her. They repented, asked for God’s forgiveness and boldly declared that they wanted to serve the Lord. As they prayed, Eleonora had a vision of a red line drawn on the ground, and she knew that God had placed a boundary between her family and the past.

Today, Eleonora is a youth pastor, and her relatives who once were involved in the occult are now believers in Jesus who love and serve the Lord.

All of this is a result of the biblical truths she read in Derek Prince’s books.

In Croatia, whole church communities are being impacted by Derek’s teaching.

A church leader from a part of Croatia that was affected by war crimes has a large congregation of over 200 people coming to his meetings. And many of them have a lot of questions about God.

The minister found it hard to respond to all of the questions during the services so he suggested to his people to read their Bibles using Derek’s teaching materials and to follow the instructions laid out in them.

Many of the congregation did so and over time their lives began to change. Through Derek’s teaching they were challenged to forgive and get rid of the hatred in their hearts. They were born again and fell in love with Jesus.

This is what Damir (above right), our worker in Croatia told me: “Some Christians who read Derek’s materials are so influenced by his teachings that they pass on his books to their family and friends. They are our best ambassadors.”

If time and space allowed I would share more stories with you today, but I must tell you about some of the challenges our workers face in Eastern Europe.

You see, life for many Christians in Eastern Europe is full of challenges. High levels of unemployment, corruption, economic problems and legalistic faith traditions make it harder for the Word of God to bear fruit in people’s lives.

Several believers I met in the countries I visited are asking themselves: “How can I live a godly life if unrighteousness increases day by day? Where do I get the strength to forgive those who are hurting me so badly? How shall I provide for my family if my salary is so low?”

Thousands of other Christians are wrestling with these questions too.

With your help, we can encourage them to find life-changing answers in the Word of God by continuing to put Derek’s teaching into their hands.


Would you be able to send a gift of $20 or more to give Christians in Eastern Europe a chance to draw wisdom and strength for each day from God’s Word?

By saying “I will…“ you can help our workers to print and distribute more books and as the Holy Spirit leads them, to touch many more lives in their countries.

With a gift from you and our other DPM supporters, tens of thousands of Christians in Eastern Europe will be learning more about God’s love for them and walking with Him every day!

So please send a gift today by donating online. Simply click the yellow “Donate Now” button.

Thank you so much for helping Christians in Eastern Europe to benefit from the life-changing power of God’s Word.

Yours in Christ’s service,

How you can help:

  • $10 can help print a book in three languages.
  • $30 can supply a pastor with a library of vital resources. 
  • $100 can help with the translation costs of a book or audio resource.

Donate Now!