From Ross Paterson.
Dear Friend,
Over 30 years ago, God called me to take Derek Prince’s teaching to China.
In the last three decades, God has opened many doors for us to help millions of Chinese Christians. So many lives have been transformed through Derek’s powerful Bible teaching. The Lord has blessed us in this work with many mission-minded friends like you who pray for our China outreach and who give generously.
As we launch into new challenges and opportunities in 2017, our work in China will be harder and somewhat more complicated.
Let me explain why.
Restrictions are increasing on the distribution of Christian materials in China. Even so, we continue to distribute millions of copies of Derek’s books in Chinese, and the DVDs distributed over the last ten years or so will continue to make an impact.
But now our task to build up the body of Christ in China with Derek’s teaching moves into a new phase. It may seem more complicated—but it is brimming with the promise of reaching millions more.
Now, in addition to printing and distributing Derek’s books to Chinese believers, we will be doing all we can to serve China’s fast-growing digital community.
You see, this year for the first time EVER, more than half of China’s population is “online”. That’s over 688 million internet users—most of whom prefer to surf the internet on their smart phones. These people do not just want books. They want more.
The good news is that DPM–China has already developed a brand new digital resource to serve this community. We have compiled 30 of Derek’s core messages—a vast digital Bible school—making them available in both video and audio formats in Chinese.
This amazing resource is now available to watch online from websites and digital apps. In addition, we have already put these messages in USB and “On-The-Go” (OTG) storage devices and in 2017, we want to give them to believers all over China—especially pastors.
Recently, we had a pressing request for 9,000 units of the USB and OTG devices by two separate Chinese church networks. But we could only supply half of that number with the limited funds available.
This is where we need your help...
We would like to purchase, then load up with Derek’s Bible teaching and distribute, at least 20,000 of these USB and OTG devices in 2017. A USB or OTG device costs just $10. So, by sending a gift of $50 or more today, you can help put Derek’s digital Bible school into the hands of five Chinese believers.
Your gift has the power to change a person – even a whole family’s life. Now they can have the chance to use the USB on a computer or their smart phone to watch Derek open the Scriptures to them.
Through your generosity, whole groups of church leaders and believers will be able to access and engage with a huge amount of Bible teaching wherever they are—at a Bible school, a church meeting, or meeting secretly in their own homes as they study God’s Word by themselves.
What difference can your gift make? Just read these words from a home group leader from Nanchang:
“Receiving the USB with Bible teaching by Derek Prince made me so happy, not because of gaining something material but in my spirit I feel the joy. Praise the Lord, through the channel of your giving I am so blessed, and am benefiting so much by Derek’s teachings. Please pray for our home group to use these resources wisely.”
We are thrilled by this new way of serving China’s church. Even so, we can’t ignore the requests from believers who are asking for books with discipleship resources, to help them explore the truths of God’s Word .
This year, DPM–China has already printed and distributed 100,000 copies of Life-Changing Spiritual Power in Chinese. In the coming year we are aiming to print books by Derek which are always in high demand: The Foundation Series, Bought with Blood, Empowered for Life, Set Apart for God and Declaring God’s Word.
On average it only costs about $2.00 to print and distribute any of these books in China. So a gift of $100 can ensure that fifty or more Chinese believers can use Derek’s teaching to unlock the power of God’s Word in their lives. Your gift of $100 or whatever you can share, will help so much.
Whether it is a contribution towards our digital outreach, or our printed resources, your financial support and your prayers will mean a great deal to Chinese Christians. They especially need your encouragement at a time when the Chinese government is imposing tougher laws and sanctions upon Christians making it harder to follow Jesus in China.
Please show your love and concern today and help them stand strong in their faith by sending a gift by donating online.
Thank you so much for helping our DPM–China Outreach workers and volunteers equip Chinese Christians with vital Bible teaching to strengthen them in these challenging days.
Your gifts and prayers are making a big difference.
Yours in Christ’s service,
How Derek's teaching has impacted my life

“I came across Derek Prince’s teaching in 1996, that’s 20 years ago. I had just become a Christian then and was living in Chongqing, China.
I still remember how Derek’s teaching touched my heart and really changed my life – especially reading Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose.
Over the years I used Derek’s books to help me to walk with God and I can say that besides my Bible reading, listening to Derek’s teaching has been a great source of encouragement and strength.
I think this teaching is so good that I have always shared it with others. For example, when I was leading a small Bible group in Shenzhen some years ago I used a lot of Derek’s books and DVDs to share with my group. We studied together books like The Foundation Series, The Marriage Covenant, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting and The Workman God Approves.
These books greatly deepened our group’s understanding of the Bible and changed our lives as well.
Thank you for making these books available to believers in China and please continue this great work that benefits so many who love the Lord.”