Million Book Mission
We praise the Lord that 20,000 copies of Life-Changing Spiritual Power in the major African language of Swahili have now been printed and 10,000 have already been distributed to Pastors, leaders and Bible Colleges in the East African nations of Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan and Somalia.
These books were transported thousands of miles in a short time and arrived after the massacre of 148 Christian university students in Garrisa, Kenya and at the same time as a huge revival was taking place. We are told that one church has 12,000 new believers, most of whom needed discipling. There are also many new churches being planted, especially in Kenya and Tanzania to care for the new converts. We are excited that Derek’s teaching is touching many in this area.
Our ministry partners in these nations have told us that Derek’s Life Changing Spiritual Power book is almost the only Bible teaching that many Pastors have in their own language. We have also just printed 20,000 copies of Derek’s Self Study Bible Course in Swahili, but there is such a huge demand for these books that further printings are now necessary.
Swahili edition of LCSP held by Armani Moses who kindly helped
with and financed the distribution of the LCSP book in Arusha, Tanzania
With such a huge revival taking place in East Africa right now, we need to plan a reprint of Life Changing Spiritual Power and Self Study Bible Course as soon as possible. If you would like to make a gift to help us with this, you can donate on-line here on the One Million Book Mission option or call us toll-free on 0508 88 88 99. (The cost to print LCSP in Africa is approximately $3.00 per book, so we hope to raise $30,000.) Every book helps to bring Bible teaching to many more people.
Many thanks for any contribution you can make.
Warren Smith
Regional Director, Asia/Pacific
Life-Changing Spiritual Power
View in our online store
If you would like to help us with this life-changing project:
Charities Commission Registration Number CC49801 – Approved Donee
Donations by internet banking
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Derek Prince Ministries
Account Number: 03-1592-0102143-02
Call toll-free on 0508 88 88 99.
Many thanks for any contribution you can make.
Please note that as 100% of all donations received for this mission will be sent offshore, we regret to advise we cannot give a Tax Deductible Receipt on donations for this project.