About Derek Prince

Is Derek Prince still alive?

Derek Prince died at his home in Jerusalem on 24 September 2003 in his sleep. He was 88 years old.

Has anyone taken on Derek Prince’s “mantle”?

Although this is a frequently asked question, there is no indication that this was ever the case.

Are any of Derek’s children or grandchildren in full-time ministry?

Yes. As of August 1995 when Derek celebrated his 80th birthday in England, many family members were present. He stated that he had 35 grandchildren, 58 great-grandchildren and 7 great-great grandchildren. Eight grandsons were in full-time Christian ministry at the time, as were two great-grandsons. That number has probably increased since then.

What was Derek’s favorite Bible translation?

By far, Derek liked to read the King James Version in his personal Bible study time (or the original Greek or Hebrew!). But, because many of the words used in the KJV had fallen out of common use, he switched to the more modern translations, so he wouldn’t need to spend so much time defining words while he was preaching. The New American Standard Bible and the New International Versions came into more frequent use, but later he switched almost exclusively to the New King James when preaching. That said, he never failed to use another version (i.e., J.B. Phillips, The Living Bible or The Amplified Bible, or “the Prince version”) if it better expressed the true meaning of the original Greek or Hebrew.

Did Derek observe the Jewish Sabbath or worship on Sunday?

Derek did both, in a certain sense. Because Derek lived in Jerusalem for much of his life, he enjoyed observing the Sabbath—not as a religious observance, and not because it was a Jewish tradition, but because he felt that the Lord was showing him that he could be more productive if he took twenty-four hours in a week and did no work. It was because of the Lord’s leading rather than under duress or as an obligation he had to fulfill. In addition, he was an active member of an Anglican church in the Old City. When he went on mission trips, he was sent out by that church and when he... Read more...

Was Derek pre-, mid-, or post-Trib — and did he believe the term rapture to be correct?

Derek never took a stand regarding pre-, mid-, or post-Trib. Derek said: “If you want to know what I think about the rapture and the tribulation, I think there are a whole lot of things we don’t know. I was greatly blessed by what Bryn Jones said when he was discussing the first coming of Jesus. And he pointed out three streams of prophecy. [Jesus] was to come out of Bethlehem. He was to come out of Nazareth. And He was to come out of Egypt. And he said, “How could anybody ever have got it right in advance?” And yet all three were fulfilled. And if there had been schools of prophecy in those days we would have three schools: the Nazareth school, the Bethlehem school and the Egypt school. And each one would have tried to prove the others wrong!” — quoted from 4068 “Spiritual Blindness: Cause and Cure” Read more...

What was his stand on salvation—once saved, always saved?

Derek says on salvation: “We have been looking in Hebrews 6 and we have spoken about people who have had five experiences. Every one of the experiences in some measure is supernatural. They have been supernaturally enlightened. Christ has been revealed to them, the Bible has been made a living book. They’ve tasted the heavenly gift which I believe is really Jesus Himself.  They became partakers of... Read more..

What did Derek teach on the term Trinity?

Derek says on the term Trinity: “In Genesis 1:26, we are again confronted with the combination of singular and plural in reference to God: ‘Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” The verb said is singular in form, the pronouns Us and Our are plural. “This combination of singular and plural in reference to God recurs in other passages of Scripture. The prophet Isaiah had a vision of the Lord on His throne and then heard Him say, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ (Isaiah 6:8). The pronoun ‘I’ implies that one Person is speaking, but the pronoun ‘Us’ indicates that He is no longer speaking on behalf of more than one Person. “In the ongoing revelation of Scripture, three distinct Persons emerge, each of whom is God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The first of the three divine Persons referred to individually in Scripture is the Spirit: ‘The Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters’ (Genesis 1:2, NASB). Read more...