The Prayer of Desperation


Godly Interruption

Derek begins this message by relating an experience he had when the Lord spoke to him concerning what transpires when God’s people cry out to Him in desperation. When people come to a place of total helplessness and dependence on Him and cry out, God will come to the rescue.


Omnipotence and Sovereignty

Today we look at the need to acknowledge that God is sovereign over all in life and death, and that He will have the final word. Derek addresses the increase in evil in the world today and how we must keep our hearts and minds set on the purpose of God—that He will one day avenge it all.


The Vengeance of the Lord

From Scripture, Derek shares today God’s perspective on the wicked of this age. Psalm 73 pictures the meditations of the righteous regarding why the wicked are not judged in the here and now, but the Psalm ends by foreseeing their future. God has a day for them, but is waiting in His mercy for all those He has chosen to come into salvation.


The Spirit of Grace and Supplication

Today Derek points out the basic need of Israel: that the Holy Spirit will give them a revelation of who Jesus is, and that we are just like them. Without the work of the Holy Spirit to give to us the grace, supplication, and revelation we need, we are like a dry, dusty desert in need of rain to bring life to the seeds that are buried there.


An Appeal for Prayer

Derek finishes this week’s message with an appeal for listeners to respond if they feel the Lord is moving on them. Will you commit to pray for your nation? This is not just an appeal for England where the message was given, but it speaks to all of us to commit to being intercessors for our nation, wherever we live.