Laying the Foundation, Part 5

Immersion in Water


Three Baptisms

Derek begins this week’s study on the teaching about baptisms highlighting that it this word is plural. Actually, there are three baptisms. The first is the baptism of John the Baptist, which Derek notes has three requirements, the first being repentance for the forgiveness of sins.


Confession and Evidence

Derek continues this look at John’s baptism into repentance pointing out the need for confession of sins and an evidence of a changed life. These are necessary for a truly repentant life. This baptism in water was a seal of what had been worked in their lives previously.


Christian Baptism

Today Derek goes into what is required of us as believers to be baptized in water, and what it means in our lives. Christian baptism is much more than just getting wet, and Derek stresses the importance of understanding all that is involved. According to Derek, Jesus never offered any guarantee of salvation to those who believe without being baptized.



Derek looks at baptisms in Acts to show that it should not take an extended period of teaching before a person is baptized. He actually points out that there seemed to be an immediacy for the new believer to be baptized. He also shows that baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit can occur in any order.


Buried with Christ

Derek finishes his look at water baptism by sharing about the spiritual significance of our identification with Jesus in this act of obedience. Going down into the water and coming back up is so much more than just getting wet. It accomplishes things in the Spirit realm for us as we act in faith.