Into the Harvest

Understanding the Harvest

Derek begins this teaching by taking the words of Jesus that tells us that the harvest is the end of the age, the time when He will return. But before the harvest is ready, there must be early and latter rains. These rains are spoken of in Scripture as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Derek’s concern is that the church must experience an awakening to the work of the harvest that God has given her.



Today Derek continues his study on the harvest by looking at what true prosperity is in the midst of crisis. The purposes of God must be accomplished in the face of intense opposition. Derek calls on the church to understand and walk in the fear of the Lord, using the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the sake of the harvest.


The Two Harvests

Derek teaches from the book of Revelation concerning the two harvests in the last days. The first is the harvest of grain, which is the harvest of salvation. The second is the grape harvest, which will bring judgment. As night  comes on, the work of harvesting souls will come to an end. Until then, we must be busy in the fields while there is still time.


The Judgment Seat of Christ

Today Derek considers what it will be like to appear before the judgment seat of Christ. What will it be like when we face Him on that day revealing what we have done here on earth? God doesn’t ask more of us than we are capable of producing, but He requires that we do our part.


Using Your Talents

Derek finishes his message by looking at our Lord's Parable of the Talents. He warns and exhorts us to use what we have been given. Don’t just go and bury it. Each of us matters in the kingdom and the task God has given us is vital for the work to be accomplished on the earth while we are still here. You are blessed to be a blessing!