Facing God’s Judgment


Jesus the Judge

Derek begins this study with John's description of Jesus in Revelation—one who knows all about His church. Believers will all stand before Him one day, not to hear words of condemnation, but to answer for what they have done in the kingdom. While there are various judgment seats referred to in Scripture, we must always keep in mind that “judgment begins at the house of God.”


Old Testament Judgment

Today we are looking at a time in Israel’s history when Ezekiel was given supernatural insight to see God’s judgment, which began with the prophets and priests in the house of the Lord. Derek uses this passage to illustrate how God deals with leaders who have been deceived by the love of money and who do not recognize true holiness.


Judgment in America

Derek comments on spiritual conditions in America by comparing to Ezekiel's writings, looking at the condition of secular rulers, then at the church, and questioning how it has dealt with sin. Comparing the iniquity of Sodom—which was pride, fullness of bread, abundance of idleness, and a failure to take care of the poor—he stresses the need for intercession for America.


Judging Ourselves

Using Scripture from 1 Corinthians, Derek stresses the need for the church to judge itself and walk uprightly before the Lord. He then looks at a passage from Amos concerning judgment coming to Israel. He then asks whether the United States is not in much the same situation.



Derek finishes this message for the week by referring to a question that God posed to him personally: “Would you ask Me to give you My heart for America?” God presented a serious invitation to Derek to ask God for His heart. This same opportunity is now open to you. Will you accept the challenge?