Being a Servant
Today Derek begins a teaching about servanthood—being a servant. He takes as his model the roles of the Godhead—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In referring to passages that concern Jesus, we see in Him One who came to earth in humility, to serve and not to be served. We must strive to use Christ's example and, in submission, learn to serve one another.
Derek looks at heavenly angels today to point out that they are also servants—servants to God around the throne, and servants to the heirs of salvation here on earth. Derek employs the phrase, “The way up is down,” to express the idea of submission. This takes humility on our part.
Investing as Slaves
Today Derek will be examining the Parable of the Talents. He uses this parable bring out the concept of how we must take what God has provided and invest it for the benefit of others. Scripture points out that even Paul offered himself as a slave to the Corinthians so they might inherit the kingdom of God.
Humbling Yourself
In this session, Derek exhorts us to humble ourselves, using the example of King David, who humbled himself through fasting. Our souls need humbling—and prayer & fasting are keys to that. The reward for the faithful servants on earth will be to serve God in eternity, where we will finally see His face.
A Servant’s Heart
Derek finishes this study with the question: “Are you willing to be a servant?” He emphasizes it is not something to be taken lightly. Using experiences from his own life, Derek reveals how serving can be very hard at times, even undesirable, but the rewards of becoming a servant to God are worth it all.