September 12, What Moves Us?
One of the greatest problems in the church today is personal ambition on the part of ministers. The apostle Paul addressed this issue with the church at Philippi, saying...
September 11, Moved with Compassion
It says that Jesus was “moved with compassion.” This response refers to the bowels—compassion is a gut feeling. The King James Version refers to the “bowels of compassion” (1 John 3:17).
September 10, Freedom to Love
The law “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” is called two things: the “perfect law of liberty” and the “royal law.” It is the perfect law in that it encompasses every other law.
September 09, My Exceedingly Great Reward
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Once we allow the love of money into our lives, out of it will come all sorts of evils and temptations and pain. The remedy is to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
September 08, Receiving When We Ask
One of the great secrets of getting things from God is receiving. There are many people who ask but never receive. There is a Scripture verse that is very emphatic about this principle of receiving.
September 07, Praying in the Will of God
The prayer of petition is a prayer that we use to make requests of God. It has a legitimate, albeit small, place in prayer, for God knows what we need before we even ask Him. Many people think that praying means going to God with your shopping list. But that is not what He needs or requires.
September 06, God Is in Control
When we comprehend the completeness of God’s knowledge—His foreknowledge, in particular—it gives us the assurance that no matter what happens, God is never taken by surprise. There is no such thing as an emergency in the kingdom of heaven.