
Pakistan Outreach

     Since 1997 our Pakistan Directors have been faithfully building the Body of Christ in their nation with Derek’s books. DPM has now become the second largest Christian publisher in Pakistan, with Derek’s books well-known and read by thousands. 40 Derek Prince books have been translated and printed in the national language of Urdu, with 337,000 printed to date. 1,800 Pastors on the DPM-Pakistan mailing list receive a free copy of each new Derek Prince book released. These Pastors also receive Derek’s Teaching Letters every two months. These publications are vital for equipping local leaders with the necessary material in order to teach and equip the Body of Christ in this Muslim nation.

     Our Directors also hold “DPM Sundays” where they share the Word, using Derek’s teaching, and conduct teaching seminars for Christian leaders. Derek’s Bible College Curriculum has been translated and recorded into Urdu, ready for sending out to churches and Bible Colleges. The curriculum consists of Derek’s major teaching from The Roman Pilgrimage, God’s Last Word: An Exposition of Hebrews, Laying the Foundation, Life Changing Spiritual Power, Prophetic Guide to the End Times, The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit and The Good News of the Kingdom.


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Impact Reports

Please read the following articles concerning our outreach and ministry reports in Pakistan.

Women’s Seminar - Quetta

Jan 2017

Women's Convention - Hyderabad

Nov 2016


Report from Pakistan

Sept 2016