Dear Friend,

     Let me share something exciting with you. Thirteen years ago I was prompted by the Lord to put six of Derek’s most significant books into one compilation and called it Life Changing Spiritual Power. These six books are The Divine Exchange; How to Pass from Curse to Blessing; The Holy Spirit In You; God’s Medicine Bottle; Spiritual Warfare and the Self Study Bible Course. This book has since been widely translated, printed and distributed throughout the India Sub-continent, Southern Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific Islands.

      Then, on 31 December 2009 in a dream, I was thinking about the power and significance of each of the books and how God can use them to radically change a person’s life. Upon waking, I was contemplating the dream’s meaning. I felt challenged to print one million copies of Life Changing Spiritual Power in many languages and to freely give them away to     Christian leaders, evangelists, Bible college students, missionaries and believers in needy nations.

     In my dream I was aware that we don’t know how many years we have in some nations to freely preach the Gospel and win disciples for Christ. But if we seized the opportunity, I believed this powerful book would be read by millions of people and we would reap a great harvest of souls.

     Knowing that potentially at least 10 people would read each book, I realised that we could powerfully impact over 10 million souls!

     Our Trustees confirmed their belief that the Lord is saying that time is short and now is the hour to get this life-changing book into the hands of as many believers as possible.

     As Derek often said, our motto is to “Reach the Unreached and Teach the Untaught”. So we decided by faith to print and freely distribute one million copies of Life Changing Spiritual Power to supply Christian leaders, missionaries and believers in many nations over the next few years. We realise this is a huge task, but one which we, the church, can achieve together.
SO THAT’S MY DREAM: To print and distribute one million books to help change at least 10 million lives.

     Would you join us in praying for this ONE MILLION BOOK MISSION and for the translators working hard to get this Bible teaching into their own languages?
Your donation of any amount will also help us to keep printing Life Changing Spiritual Power in many languages. You can give by clicking the line “Be part of the mission!”

Many thanks and blessings,

Warren Smith

Regional Director, Asia/Pacific







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